Двойка доказва, че килограмите нямат значение за любовта

Двойка доказва, че килограмите нямат значение за любовта
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След като се запознаете с "Мисис извивки" и "Mистър шест плочки", както често шеговито сами се наричат, ще разберете защо човек не трябва да има предразсъдъци. Тъй като връзката на Джена и Дрю Кътчър е доказателство, че килограмите нямат значение за любовта. И не само това...

Те са заедно от 2009 година, щастливо женени са, имат малко момиченце и в момента живеят в Мауи. Джена е радио водещ, маркетинг специалист, фотограф и мотиватор. Тя е пищна жена, която определено не попада в графата "перфектни форми". Съпругът й пък е фитнес треньор, има мускулесто тяло и със сигурност привлича погледите на срещуположния пол.

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The year is almost halfway over… how are those resolutions going? The truth is we are all: too busy, too tired, too burnt out, too stressed, too (fill in the blank) to finally make our health a priority. I get it, you start out all motivated to get healthier, lose weight, look great in time for swimsuit season only to lose your original drive a week or two into your plan. Motivation is fleeting – but accountability isn’t. The truth is, you probably need help to see results… someone who will get on the phone with you weekly, give you tips on nutrition, shortcuts in meal planning and effective workouts you can get done efficiently from the living room, hotel room or back yard! I’ll be opening up my schedule for FIVE of you to hop on the phone, at absolutely no charge and no risk, so we can get you on the right track and make sure that THIS will be the time you’ll see true success. Go to the link in my profile to schedule a time before they’re all snatched up.

Публикация, споделена от Drew Kutcher (@kickingitwithkutch) на

Макар че първоначално изглеждат несъвместими, поне физически, двамата силно се обичат и вярват, че за една хармонична връзка са по-важни други неща.

Джена често споделя в Instagram профила си прекрасни семейни снимки и вдъхновяващи послания към тях. Защото смята, че по този начин може да помогне на други жени, които се чувстват несигурни заради телата си.

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Someone once slid into my DMs and told me they couldn’t believe I had managed to land a guy as good looking as @kickingitwithkutch. I’ll be honest that I was taken aback. ✨ Part of my insecurity with my body has stemmed around being married to Mr. 6-Pack himself. Why should I, a curvy girl get him? I feel unworthy and when I write narratives in my head that because I am not thin, I don’t deserve him. 🙋🏼 This man has embraced every curve, every dimple, pound and pimple for the last ten years and has always me reminded me that I’m beautiful even when my inner dialogue doesn’t match. 🙌🏻 So yes, my thighs kiss, my arms are big, and my bum is bumpy but there is just more of me for him to love and I chose the man that could handle alllll that (and so much more!) ✨ I am so much more than my body, so is he, and so are you. Double tap if true love doesn’t see size. Photo by: @mrslindseyroman

Публикация, споделена от JENNA KUTCHER (@jennakutcher) на

"Преди време някой ми написа, че не може да повярва, че съм спечелила мъж, който изглежда като Дрю. И ако трябва да съм честна, в началото се чувствах некомфортно, въобразявах си, че не го заслужавам, защото не съм слаба. Но през последните 10 години именно той ми доказа, че притесненията ми са нереални. Този мъж обича всяка моя извивка, бръчка и пъпка. Винаги ми напомня, че съм красива, дори когато вътрешният ми глас крещи друго. Да, бедрата ми са големи, имам коремче, но има други по-специални неща в мен."

Не всички жени могат и трябва да изглеждат като модели, но всички заслужават да бъдат ценени и обичани от половинките си. Защото любовта идва във всякакви форми.

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He’s the glue that holds us together. 🙋🏻‍♂️ I knew seeing him become a dad would be magical and I yearned for the day to celebrate HIS journey in becoming a parent, today is that day for us. He’s made it his mission in life to raise a strong, kind, empathetic, empowered little girl and after our losing seasons, this win is something we hold so tightly — along with our wiggly 6 month old, TIME IS FLYING. Happy Father’s Day, babe! You were born for this role and you’re totally rocking the dad life. I published another monthly recap on the blog complete with tons of photos we never shared! I’m talking about what we’ve been up to offline, what we’re looking forward to, and what we can’t live without! Head to the link in my bio to check it out. 👆🏻 Photos by: @angelarosegonzalez

Публикация, споделена от JENNA KUTCHER (@jennakutcher) на

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Double tap if SELF LOVE is the real #relationshipgoals! ✨ It’s wild that my body has become the topic of conversation all over the world but I want to take a hot second to dig a little deeper, beyond this “curvy” shell of mine. ✨ Would you believe that I haven’t wore shorts in over 7 years because someone called me thunder thighs? Or that I hid my arms from all photos because I hated them. Would you believe that after our miscarriage I felt lost in my body. Or that I tried every diet out there because I believed the lie that if I finally lost weight, I would be happy... ✨ I finally said, “ENOUGH!” Is this how I want to spend my life? Hiding under baggy clothes, avoiding cameras, retouching every imperfection, hating my reflection? That isn’t what I was put here for. ✨ I started to show up, I started to share my struggle, I shed light on my insecurities, and my soul started to shine beyond this shell. ✨ Let the media say what they want about my size 10 frame but I am beautiful, I am real, I am worthy, and strong and I’m guessing all these things are true about YOU, too. You are worthy, enough and so darn beautiful, don’t forget it. 🙌🏻 #Aeriereal

Публикация, споделена от JENNA KUTCHER (@jennakutcher) на


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