Меган Маркъл пуска благотворителна модна линия

Меган Маркъл пуска благотворителна модна линия
Снимка: Getty Images/Guliver

Херцогинята на Съсекс Меган Маркъл ще създаде своя собствена модна линия в подкрепа на благотворителната компания Smart Works, която помага на безработни в търсенето на работа.

За тази цел Маркъл ще си сътрудничи с дизайнерката и нейна приятелка Миша Нона и британските компании Markx & Spencer, John Lewis & Partner и Higgs. Те ще работят върху колекция от работно облекло.

Мидълтън обяснява в септемврийския брой на британския Vogue, че при всяка закупена бройка от колекцията й друга ще бъде дарявана за благотворителност.

Smart Works предоставя оборудване, облекло и обучение за интервю за работа на безработни жени. Досега организацията е помогнала на над 11 000 британки.

Вижте тази публикация в Instagram.

Spotlight on: Smart Works We are proud to be supporting a very special initiative this autumn for @SmartWorksCharity! After quiet visits to Smartworks over the last year, The Duchess was moved by the impactful work being done by this non profit organisation that helps women into the workforce, equipping them with both the skills and clothes they need to feel job-ready. Throughout her visits she noticed that while the donations were plentiful, they were also notably a combination of mismatched items and colours which weren’t always the right stylistic choices or sizes that didn’t necessarily “suit” the job at hand: to make a woman feel confident and inspired as she walked into her job interview. As a result, launching this autumn, The Duchess will be supporting a collective to help equip the women of Smart Works with the key workwear essentials they need as they enter into the workplace. This initiative is supported by four generous brands who share the vision to empower the women of Smart Works to look and feel 💯 as they bravely venture in to what can often be a daunting environment for those who have been out of the job market. The brands have come together to work towards this united force for good, “[reframing] the idea of charity as community,” as The Duchess writes in a piece for this month’s British Vogue. They will follow the 1:1 model where an item from the collection purchased is an item shared with a woman of Smart Works because “not only does this allow us to be part of each other’s story; it reminds us we are in it together.” For more information on how you can be part of another woman’s success story visit @smartworkscharity. Special thanks to: @JohnLewisandPartners, @MarksandSpencer, @MishaNonoo, @InsideJigsaw for supporting this very special organisation. And to find out more, read the September issue of @BritishVogue and stay tuned for more exciting updates this autumn. Photo©️SussexRoyal

Публикация, споделена от The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) на

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