82-годишната Джейн Фонда рекламира еко линията на Gucci

82-годишната Джейн Фонда рекламира еко линията на Gucci
Снимка: Getty Images/Guliver

Актриса, продуцент, автор, активист и основател на кампанията Fire Drill Fridays, Джейн Фонда стана рекламно лице на новата еко линия на Gucci - Off The Grid. Колекцията, дело на Алесандро Микеле, използва рециклирани, органични, био и устойчиви материали.

82-годишната холивудска звезда е категорична, че трябва да обърнем повече внимание на климатичните проблеми.

"Настоявайте правителството ви да инвестира в чиста енергийна инфраструктура. Икономистите са съгласни, че това е най-голямата инвестиция, която можем да направим, както по отношение на климатичните ползи, така и с най-стимулиращ ефект по време на пандемията от коронавирус, когато трябва да се създадат толкова много работни места", смята Фонда.

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Academy Award-winning actress, producer, author, activist and founder of #FireDrillFriday @JaneFonda appears in #GucciOffTheGrid campaign, the new collection by @alessandro_michele designed for those mindful of their environmental impact. #JaneFonda says the climate crisis is the defining issue of our time. “Demand that your government officials invest in clean energy infrastructure. Global economists agree that it's the top investment we can make, both in terms of climate benefits and having the highest stimulus effect during the time of pandemic when so many jobs need to be created.” The campaign is shot by photographer and director #HarmonyKorine with creative direction by #AlessandroMichele and art direction by @christophersimmonds. See the collection through link in bio and discover @gucciequilibrium, the House’s commitments and actions to reduce its environmental footprint and protect nature, while supporting people’s rights and championing inclusivity and respect, so that everyone in the global #GucciCommunity is free to express their authentic, diverse selves.

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В рекламната кампания на италианския бранд участват също рапърът Лил Нас Х, певицата Кинг Принцес, японският китарист Мияви и екологът Давид де Ротшилд.

Облеклата в линията са произведени съгласно ангажимента на Gucci за неутрални въглеродни емисии, според който модната къща работи максимално за намаляване на емисиите на парникови газове. Тя разработва и проекти, подпомагащи горите и биоразнообразието.

Линията се състои от различни размери чанти и портфейли, както и шест чифта обувки, три шапки, два вида панталони и три якета.

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@lilnasx is seen in the #GucciOffTheGrid campaign, a new sustainable collection by @alessandro_michele that is also created using ECONYL®, a regenerated nylon. The rapper, singer and songwriter has embraced a greener way of living and performing, including being more aware of his environmental footprint while traveling and supporting environmentally friendly companies. #AlessandroMichele See the collection through link in bio and discover @gucciequilibrium, the House’s commitments and actions to reduce its environmental footprint and protect nature, while supporting people’s rights and championing inclusivity and respect, so that everyone in the global #GucciCommunity is free to express their authentic, diverse selves.

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@janefonda leads the cast of the campaign for the first Gucci sustainable line which also includes David Mayer de Rothschild @thelostexplorer, @lilnasx, @kingprincess69 and @miyavi_ishihara. They each wear pieces from the #GucciOffTheGrid collection, standing and sitting in a treehouse in the city, ready to—as the line’s label suggests—open the door to a new beginning. Gucci Off The Grid is created using recycled, organic, bio-based and sustainably sourced materials, including ECONYL®, made from regenerated Nylon coupled with solvent-free recycled polyester as well as leftovers from Gucci’s manufacturing processes. #AlessandroMichele @alessandro_michele Music: "I Can See Clearly Now" (J. Nash) © 1972 Nashco Music Inc / Ashco Music Inc / CP Masters BV Courtesy of Warner Chappell Music Italiana Srl (P) 1972 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited Courtesy of Sony Music Italy S.p.A

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