Коса, вдъхновена от природата (СНИМКИ)

Коса, вдъхновена от природата (СНИМКИ)
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Боядисването на коса датира от 1500 г. пр.н.е., когато египтяните са използвали къна, за да прикрият белите си коси. В днешно време има голямо разнообразие от цветове и техники, чрез които може да преобразим косата си. Добрите фризьори могат да постигнат наистина впечатляващи резултати. Сред тях е Урсула Гоф, която пренася природата върху косата.

Фризьорката от Канзас черпи идеи от известни картини, храна, космоса, но най-голямото ѝ вдъхновение е природата. Урсула успява да пресъздаде върху косите на клиентките си цветовете на  скъпоценни камъни, животни, залези, цветя и пламъци.

"Подхождам към боядисването на коса по същия начин, както към рисуването. Мога да се вдъхновя от почти всичко и винаги се питам как бих постигнала определена визия", каза талантливата фризьорка пред Bored Panda.

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I’ve been meaning to get good photos of this wig since...September, but I’m kind of one of those “I’ll get to it when I get to it” people. @matrix asked me to come up with a look for the international destination show last year, and since I was on the social media panel, I wanted to pay homage to some of the looks that put me on the map to become a content creator (I hate most of the terminology associated with my job due to the baggage, but, there aren’t any other words for it at the moment, sooo). My Van Gogh stuff was crazy popular, so I did a more jazzed up version of it, while continuing to utilize his favored palette of yellows and blues. This wig has a moderate amount of hair, so this took six tubes of just the Cult neon yellow alone! I also used the orange alert, retro blue, and admiral navy. I think after I’ve gotten a few more pics of different styles of it, I’ll turn it into a rainbow wig. Thinking I’ll make a video of that process - what do y’all think? Wig by @vpfashion #matrix #matrixpartner #socolorcult #vangogh #artinspiredhair #yellowhair #bluehair #vangoghhair #beautylaunchpad #behindthechair #modernsalon #americansalon #estetica #ittakesapro #saloncentric #vpfashion #wig

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Попитана колко време ѝ отнема, тя отговори: "Много зависи от концепцията. В някои случаи боядисвам екстеншъни, които след това прикрепям към естествената коса. За тях ми трябват от 30 минути до няколко часа. Когато обаче изцяло боядисвам косата на клиентката си, всичко се случва в рамките на минимум 6 часа, тъй като са включени различни процеси."

Вижте нейните красиви картини върху коса:

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Red velvet is a pretty popular color but there are some common complaints with it; namely, that reds fade quickly. This can be true - then the client decides they don’t like it and they wanna go back to blonde or light ash brown or whatever nightmare color is almost impossible to get from red on the first try. So I’ve got a few tried and true tricks that completely minimize or even eliminate that, so that your client LOVES it and never wants to go back. 🌹🌹🌹 First, I only lift the hair to anywhere between a 6 and an 8. In the case that you are removing old color, this means lightening to brassy or rusty orange. The oranger the better! The first advantage of this is that you aren’t lifting the hair as light, so the porosity is at a healthier level, making it less likely that all the color molecules will slide right out after 2-3 washes. The additional remaining pigment also provides a foundation for depth of color. After this step, I usually do a glaze with @redken shades, something like 6R and 5RV, adjusting the formula to how red or violet I want it. If you are starting with virgin hair, you can just use color for this part, with higher developer the darker the hair is. Any combination of R’s+RV’s, again lifting to a 6-8 is gonna be great. THEN, once you have processed and rinsed the hair, in *either* of these situations, you need to add a coat of semi-permanent red or red violet. So yes, this can mean a triple process for some people. Why all this work? Well, the color is going to last waaaay longer, so your client is far more likely to be satisfied with it. It’s also going to be less work for you when they come back for retouches; once this process is out of the way, they will likely only need color on their roots and the semi-permanent color or equivalent glaze on mids and ends for maintenance. As they continue to get this process done, the color will accumulate in their hair to where it barely fades at all between appointments. Now you look like a super competent color genius! #redken #redvelvet #redhair #burgundyhair #roses #beautylaunchpad #modernsalon #americansalon #behindthechair #estetica #ittakesapro #saloncentric

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