Изумително! Природни картини върху коса (снимки)

Изумително! Природни картини върху коса (снимки)
Снимка: Instagram

През последните години фризьорите смело експериментират с боята за коса, благодарение на което сме свидетели на жени с всякакви цветове.

И ако вече сте се нагледали на омбре, цветни краища или пък ярки коси, Урсула Гоф ще ви заинтригува.

Стилистката от Канзас прави наистина нещо много красиво и уникално - тя боядисва косата, пресъздавайки природни картини и богатства.

Ако искате и вие да бъдете по-различна и да се откроявате сред тълпата, може да почерпите вдъхновение от нея.

Crystallized color!!! I feel pretty good about this color today. I was inspired by how color lays on crystals and changes tone and directionality on each side. So I played around with a new technique where I applied color both horizontally and vertically in panels on my gorgeous model Rachel @puglieserachel. I did this using @matrix’s new vivids line, Socolor Cult, to be released in June 2018. Gotta say, I’m a fan...and I loved the work everyone else did with them, too! #matrix #socolorcult #crystalcolor #naturecolor #naturehair #rainbowhair #texturewithcolor #iridescenthair #prismhair #opalhair #holographichair #behindthechair #beautylaunchpad #americansalon #modernsalon

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The falliest of fall hair #autumnhair #pumpkinspicehair #orangehair #fallhair #americansalon #beautylaunchpad #behindthechair #modernsalon

Публикация, споделена от Ursula Goff (@uggoff) на

So when you heat metal Copper, it gets this rainbow sort of effect to it, with reds, magentas, violets, and blues. I saw some of this on some metalwork sculptures and I wanted to put the colors together in that sort of order on someone. So getting invited to do a photoshoot with @matrix to try out their new vivids line, Socolor Cult, provided this opportunity for me. I did a target shaped sectioning technique, with the center being the orange tones on her crown, and each successive color making larger and larger circles - like a bullseye! I’d like an opportunity to also try this on a client with a very white blonde base so I can get the colors even brighter; this model @ilovekimberlyg had a lot of caramel tones in her hair, so I worked with that and still got really pretty results, as this color line has excellent coverage. #copperrainbow #heatedcopper #rainbowhair #socolorcult #matrix #beautylaunchpad #modernsalon #behindthechair #ame

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I really felt like Sadie’s Hair looked like colorful fire #rainbowhair #unicornhair #rainbowfire #fieryhair #beautylaunchpad #modernsalon #behindthechair #americansalon

Публикация, споделена от Ursula Goff (@uggoff) на

Turns out Carla is a fluorite fan, so LET'S PUT IT ON HER HEAD #flourite #naturehair #purplehair #bluehair #beautylaunchpad #americansalon #modernsalon #behindthechair #fckinghair

Публикация, споделена от Ursula Goff (@uggoff) на


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