Бруталната истина за снимките в социалните мрежи

Бруталната истина за снимките в социалните мрежи
Снимка: Instagram

Социалните мрежи, искаме или не, имат много важна роля в днешното общество. Освен че благодарение на тях имаме досег до истории, хора и красиви снимки от цял свят, те си имат и тъмна страна. В тях обикновено се споделят само перфектни кадри, които обаче в повечето случаи нямат нищо общо с реалността.

На Чеси Кинг, която има над 360 000 последователи в Instagram, й писнало от тези нереалистични очаквания, които смазват самочувствието на много хора. Затова решила да покаже истината, нефилтрираната страна на нейния живот и да я сравни с идеалните и обработени снимки. По този начин тя показва, че всеки може да лъже в социалните мрежи, но не всеки може да бъде достатъчно смел, за да покаже истинското си Аз.

Is Instagram a big reason for depression & mental health problems in young people? The stats say it all but what do YOU think? 🧠 When I was growing up, I only had the ‘perfect’ girls in magazines to look at & even that was an unhealthy comparison. I hate to think what young teenagers are now comparing themselves to; distorted, filtered, photoshopped versions of reality. There has always been a pressure to look good, but what’s scary is that Instagram is accessible all day everyday without any sort of time cap on it or restriction on what you can see apart from the choice of who you’re following. It upsets me so much to think how much this can effect young people’s mental health. Even the most educated still don’t know how easy it is to use photoshop or editing apps. I share so many of these posts but I just want to help as many people as I can find that true friendship with their bodies. - I’ve always been conscious of the back of my legs & refused to wear shorts for most of my teenage years. I thought I was the only one who had a ‘second bum’ 💁🏼‍♀️ I see girls beeeehinds on here looking smooooth as a peach which I’m sure they’ve worked hard for but I find it super unrealistic for me personally. The more I’ve shared on here about body confidence (or lack of) the more I realise I’m not alone & the more normal it becomes to look like the right in shorts. - I was speaking to someone about this earlier last week & they said their 12 year old cousin was posting photos on Instagram of her in a bikini & the caption was ‘rate me out of 10’ then another post of her in her underwear, if I get more than 50 likes I’ll send you a DM *winky face*. Instagram can be an amazing place but it can also be very dangerous. - Do you think there should be something on a post, a disclaimer to say the image has been edited/photoshopped? What are your thoughts on protecting young teenagers & preventing them from mental health problems connected with social media? ❤️🧡💛

Публикация, споделена от C H E S S I E K I N G (@chessiekingg) на

"Това съм аз. Това е моето тяло. Без подходящи ъгли и светлина, просто аз и моето тяло. Преди няколко години никога не бих публикувала това. Всичко, което ме интересуваше тогава, беше да изглеждам възможно най-слаба, да ходя колкото се може повече на фитнес и да броя всяка калория, която ям", пише Чеси в един от постовете си.

"Дори когато бях най-слаба, тренирайки най-много и ядейки най-малко, просто исках да покрия тялото си, тъй като не се вписваше в моята идея за "перфектно". Сега моят приоритет е да бъда щастлива и да се чувствам комфортно в кожата си. Сега оценявам тялото си и това, което прави за мен. Не сме създадени, за да бъде кукли Барби, които изглеждат невероятно добре 24/7, ние сме създадени, за да бъдем хора и трябва всички да можем да се чувстваме добре 24/7."

Food is not scary, food is not the enemy, food is fuel, food is delicious, food is there to be ENJOYED ❤️🧡💛 - Left: 5 years ago. Scared of food, an unhealthy weight for my height (nearly 6ft) - Right: Found a love & very healthy relationship with food 💃🏼 I posted this last May but after so many messages after the recent post where I opened up to questions, I really hope it will help a few of you if you need it 🌈 Educating myself about exercise over the past few years has given me a whole new relationship with food. It’s now my bestfriend NOT the enemy 💛🍽 I used to get into bed proud of myself if I'd missed dinner, excited to wake up the next morning with a flat tummy. I forced myself to do endless amounts of cardio with absolutely no fuel & constantly felt light headed with no energy. I congratulated myself if I felt hungry & celebrated my tummy rumbling. I slowly started introducing foods that scared me, just a little bit at a time so it wasn’t too overwhelming, I started experimenting with different tastes 🍴 I now eat what I want when I want, with the thorough understanding (after 5 years of learning about my body) what food I need to support my active lifestyle. Without the food, I wouldn't be able to do the workouts I do, I would be able to work as hard as I do 🏋🏼 Even just sitting down to do work, I feel so much more productive when I’ve had a good nutritious meal. I don't count macros, I don't cut ANYTHING out of my diet (except black pepper & goats cheese! 🤢) I just eat healthy whole foods & nourish my body. I don't ever feel that guilt I used to live with every time I took a bite of even just an apple. Girls, if I could go back to the left photo, I would tell myself how amazing food really is. How important it is to understand what you're putting in your body & how much you need. I am not a nutritionist but I know what works for me & I’m still constantly learning 🙋🏼‍♀️ Anyone reading this who needs that little bit of bravery 🦁 YOU’VE GOT THIS & if you feel like you haven’t, there’s always support, you are NOT alone. 🍊🍋🍌🍿🍉🍓🍍🍦🥝🥕🥑

Публикация, споделена от C H E S S I E K I N G (@chessiekingg) на

“BOOTY GOALS” 🍑 “OH MY GOD I WANT YOUR BUM”... you see these kinda comments all over your newsfeed, but would you see those kinda comments on the right photo?! 🤷🏼‍♀️ Neither of these photos are edited or photoshopped, same bottom just 2 completely different angles. Are you hooked on growing your peach to look like your favourite instagram girl? Have you ever thought maybe they have what I’ve got on the right: the dimples, the uneven cheeks, the bit I like to call the “second booty” (that bit underneath your bottom). I used to be extremely conscious of the back of my legs & if anyone was walking behind me whilst I was in swimwear I’d cover my booty & my legs because I was so embarrassed. I still find it a little bit scary sharing the right photo but I’m in my happy place, stuffing myself with popcorn! 🍿 & if it helps at least one of you to realise it’s OKAY to have imperfections then it was worth me pooing my pants a little. So next time you look in the mirror & see something similar to the right photo, just have a little word with yourself, I gat it too gurlll. You’re not alone 🙋🏼‍♀️🧡❤️💛

Публикация, споделена от C H E S S I E K I N G (@chessiekingg) на


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