4 средновековни тенденции, които са актуални и днес

4 средновековни тенденции, които са актуални и днес
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Стандартите на женска красота се променят непрестанно. Както показва историята, модните тенденции са циклични и никога не се знае коя от тях отново ще открадне сърцата ни и коя ще бъде забравена за още няколко години. Днес ще ви покажем 4 актуални и уж съвременни тенденции, които са били доста разпространени и преди няколко века. Оказва се, че особеностите на средновековния живот са по-близо до ежедневието ни, отколкото сме си мислили.

1.“Лисичи“ очи

Издължената форма на очите е била доста желана и през Средновековието. Тогава гримът е все още забранен, затова дамите са се опитвали да постигнат този ефект с помощта на сложни методи като скубане на мигли и причиняване на алергична реакция, за да подпухне лицето и очите да се стеснят.


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Petrus Christus (1410's - c. 1475): Portrait of a Young Girl, Between 1465 and 1470, Oil on Oak Panel, 29 x 23 cmGemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen, Berlin Petrus Christus was an Early Netherlandish painter active in Bruges from 1444, where, along with Hans Memling, he became the leading painter after the death of Jan van Eyck. His 'Portrait of a Young Girl' is widely regarded as one of the most exquisite portraits of the Northern Renaissance. It marks a major stylistic advance in contemporary portraiture. The surface has the brilliance of porcelain and the purity of the overall effect looks forward to Vermeer. The lively expression of the girl and her oblique glance, suggesting that something or someone just outside the frame has caught her attention, contrasts with the frontal composition. The pink of her cheeks and lips introduces some warmth into the face, while the pure white and brown-black of the eyes echo the underlying tones of the wall behind her. Christus frames his sitter in a rigid and balanced architectural setting. She is positioned within a narrow rectangular space, before a wainscotted wall. The image is divided by the horizontal parallel lines of her wainscot and blouse, which join at the inverted triangle formed by the neckline of her dress. The rendering of the background departs somewhat from contemporary conventions in portraiture: Christus sets the girl against a dark brown wall with little detail, in contrast to the elaborate interiors of Jan van Eyck, who is often regarded as Christus' master. It is defined entirely by its material, a wooden dado rail along the top and the wainscot that forms the lower portion. The wall sets her in a realistic interior, perhaps intended to represent a space within her home. The influence of van Eyck can be seen in the delicate rendering of the textures and details of the dress, trimmings and adornments. Her pale skin and strong bone structure is strongly van Eyckian, and recalls the male sitter in his Arnolfini Portrait. But on the other hand, Christus reduces the emphasis on volume of those artists, in favour of an elongation of form.

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2. Подпухнало лице

Визията, която Джиджи Хадид и Дуа Липа наложиха през последните години (подпухнали устни и сънени клепачи), е била популярна още през средните векове. Хората от онази епоха са силно повлияни от историите на италианския пътешественик Марко Поло, който след посещение в Китай, описва красотата на китайските жени.

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all this regret gets exhausting

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3. Удължаване на косата

Жените от миналото са експериментирали с дължината на косата точно толкова, колкото и сега. Разбира се, църквата осъжда носенето на перуки, но въпреки това много хора продължават да го правят. Естествената коса е изключително скъпа, но благородни дами са купували кичури от бедни момичета и са ги прикрепвали с големи фиби.

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This famous painting portrays a rich Florentine woman, probably close to her wedding. At that time, for a young woman, this was the moment of the highest public visibility. Actually, the sumptuary laws allowed women to wear precious clothes and jewels only for their marriage and the following three years. The profile was a classical reminiscence, but also prevented the sitter from meeting the gaze of the viewer, as decency required. The woman stands against a clear blue sky with some clouds that seem to move gently behind her, as on a screen. Typical of Piero is the technique based on dense compact oil pigment, giving thickness to the smallest details: the velvet of the sleeve, the trim of the blouse, the jewels, the light blue ribbon around her head and the pin holding her refined hairstyle. In the early 19th century, the painting was already in Milan, in the collection of the prince Alberico XII Barbiano di Belgioioso d’Este. In its inventories it was listed as the portrait of an ancestor: the wife (whose name is not specified) of Giovanni II da Barbiano, Count of Cunio. Sold in 1814 by the heirs of Alberico, some decades later the portrait reappeared in the Milanese collection of Count Giberto VI Borromeo. Gian Giacomo Poldi Pezzoli purchased it within 1875. @poldipezzoli _____ Piero del Pollaiuolo (Piero di Jacopo Benci) “Portrait of young Woman” 1470 Tempera and oil on panel (45.5 X 32.7 cm) Museo Poldi Pezzoli – Milano, Italy Bequest

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4. Ягодово русо

Ягодовото русо е един от най-популярните цветове през последните години. Но буклите в този нюанс са търсени още в миналото. Жените обаче трудно са боядисвали гривите си в този нюанс. Смятало се, че колие с опал ще помогне на косата да не потъмнее, което обяснява защо камъкът е толкова търсен.


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