Холивудските звезди преди славата (снимки)

Холивудските звезди преди славата (снимки)
Снимка: Getty Images/Guliver

Всяка холивудска звезда е започнала от едно и също място - постоянни кастинги и прослушвания. Макар отказите, ги е крепяла надеждата да бъдат забелязани и да пробият в шоубизнеса. Тези Polaroid снимки, заснети от кастинг режисьорите, ни показват как са изглеждали някои от най-големите днешни звезди в дните, когато са започвали да градят кариерата си.

Анджелина Джоли, 1990

Камерън Диас, 1990

Дженифър Анистън, 1994

#Polaroids #493: Happy birthday, #JenniferAniston! May we all look as smokin' at 46. 📷 #ChrisMcMillan, creator of "the Rachel."

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Мерил Стрийп, 1975

#Polaroid #75: #MerylStreep by Tim Boxer. 😍😍😍😍😍

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Дженифър Лорънс, 1994

Даниел Радклиф, 1994

Ема Стоун, 1994

Бенисио дел Торо, 1995

#Tbt (circa '95) in honor of #BeniciodelToro's 48th birthday. The actor has said of that point in his life, "I see #UsualSuspects (1995) as the time where I was, quote unquote, discovered. It took me six, seven years to get to that place. And it was not easy. You’re fighting with people who doubt you and your choice of career. There are a lot of doubts– and you have to stay focused with what you want. I never put a time limit on me being successful or not. I just cared about the work as an actor. But it wasn’t easy because there were a lot of ups and downs. I don’t know if you know much about baseball, but baseball is the game of failure. You deal with failure– strike, strike, strike– all the time. Acting is like that. You have to have a very thick skin in a way– your hair is too dark, you’re too ugly for the part, your audition wasn’t good.” 📷 #MaliFinn

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Илайджа Ууд, 1984


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