Холи Бери стана на 52 и изглежда изумително. Ето тайната й (снимки)

Холи Бери стана на 52 и изглежда изумително. Ето тайната й (снимки)
Снимка: Getty Images/Guliver

Холи Бери вчера навърши 52 години, но изглежда невероятно за възрастта си. Актрисата споделя как поддържа фигурата си и редовно дава съвети на своите 2,8 милиона последователи в Instagram.

В поредицата си Fitness Friday тя и треньорът й Питър практикуват йога, вдигат тежести, боксират се или медитират. Холи спазва максимата "Здрав дух в здраво тяло", затова ако ви липсва мотивация, вземете пример от холивудската звезда.

"Вярвам, че истинската красота означава добро здраве и тонус. Думата "красота" постоянно еволюира, създавайки по-дълбока връзка между здраве, тонус и това, което ние възприемаме за красиво", смята Бери, която е майка на две деца.

Lazy Sunday ✨✨

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"Много от нас зациклят във фитнес режимите си и тренират еднообразно седмица след седмица. Изпълняваме едни и същи упражнения за крака, за долната част на тялото, за корема, за ръцете..., а след това се чудим защо не виждаме истинска промяна в тялото си. Ето го отговорът. Трябва да шокирате организма си и да предложите на тялото си нови упражнения", съветва актрисата в пост в Instagram.

It’s #FitnessFriday and today we talk about the importance of trying something new. Many of us get stuck in our fitness routines and do the same circuits over and over each week. We do the same exercises for legs, the same for upper body, the same for abs and so on and then we wonder why we don’t see any real change in our body. Well, here is the answer. You have to shock your system and offer your body new exercises that it can respond to. Recently, I started doing #handstands with #donkeykicks and I noticed my upper body got stronger and more defined. So today in my stories, fitness icon @peterleethomas will show you 3 easy ways of doing old exercises to shock your body and get faster results. The #planche works shoulders, the #atomicclimber works lower abs and the #pistolsquat works the legs. I guarantee you you will see a change! I also shared two of my favorite lunch meals to have on the go. As always enjoy! ❤️💪🏽#FitnessFridayHB #Week30

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Thank God it’s #FitnessFriday! Today we share our ONE PIECE WORKOUT! Again, it can be done in just 10 minutes, which I love. All you have to do is choose the piece, either a #kettlebell or #dumbbell, and Peter will show you the rest on my Stories and Fitness icon. If you’re just starting out or if you’re advanced in your fitness routine you can get a great workout with just one piece. Here’s what you do: 1. Push-up into row 2. KB / DB snatch 3. Single arm overhead lunge 4. Single arm military press 5. Squat You must repeat on both sides to stay balanced and they constitute one set. See how many sets you can do in 10 min. Let your goal be 5-8 rounds. The heavier the weight, the fewer rounds you will do. Our KB is 25 lbs and DB is 20 lbs, but choose the weight that is right for you. Also in my Stories I share my keto b’fast omelette and my sausage and cabbage skillet lunch I had today. Have fun and enjoy 💪🏽♥️ #FitnessFridayHB

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This #FitnessFriday let’s get fit with resistance BANDS! I really like working with these very inexpensive bands because they require the use of my own body weight. I want to build strength while staying long and lean. I never want to bulk up so I rarely use traditional weights. These bands are so easy to carry that they allow me to exercise wherever I go. I can work out in my trailer while filming, in my office, on vacation in a hotel room, at the beach, in my living room or just about anywhere. Now, if your goal is to build more muscle mass the bands come in different resistant strengths. So you can actually add bulk if you want to still using your own body weight. And yes ladies, we love our guys with a little bulk! Today on my IG Stories and m Fitness Icon, Peter and I share some exercises that can help you stay long and lean like I prefer or bulk up like Peter… all using bands! Enjoy ♥️💪🏽 #FitnessFridayHB

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It’s #FitnessFriday AGAIN! Today I’m proud to share my new #yoga pose. Thanks to all of you, I got super inspired and challenged myself to a head stand! I continue to challenge each of you to try new poses as well and share them with me by tagging #FitnessFridayHB. Today, let’s talk not just about yoga poses, but also about the meditative aspects of yoga. Many argue that some of the happiest people are those who spend time each day meditating. I can tell you that I’ve felt happier and more like my best self since I started. I’ve learned that meditation helps to balance your left brain and right brain, and as a result I feel more creative, I can absorb information faster and I experience better emotional health. #Meditation also helps me stay in touch with my “little me”, that little girl who keeps me curious and open to the newness of each day and every new experience that comes my way. Meditation keeps me connected to God, Mother Earth, a higher power or whatever you prefer, and reminds me that while we are all on a solo journey, we are never alone! So today, if you don’t already, try to find 20 minutes to meditate or pray. If you can make this ritual a part of your dailies, watch how your life will transform! Also today on my IG Stories and fitness highlight, I’m sharing my keto lunch. Enjoy 💪🏽❤️

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