Да се ожениш на 122 метра във въздуха (снимки + видео)

Да се ожениш на 122 метра във въздуха (снимки + видео)
Снимка: Instagram

Сватбата е един от най-важните моменти в живота на всеки човек, затова искаме да бъде незабравима. А когато младоженците обичат адреналина и не се страхуват от високо, резултатът е наистина впечатляващ.

Запознайте се с Кимбърли Уелглин и Райън Дженкс, които си казаха голямото "Да" на 122 метра във въздуха над каньона Моаб (САЩ).

Двамата влюбени обичат екстремните преживявания и са запалени по ходенето по въже. Така им идва идеята да се оженят във въздуха. През ноември 2017 те опъват голяма мрежа, върху която се вричат във вярност пред погледите на близките и приятелите им, които безопасно стоят върху обкръжаващите ги скали.

Спиращите дъха сватбени снимки са заснети от фотостудио The Hearnes.

In light of the last video I posted getting so much attention of @sketchyandylewis ‘dropping the rings’, I’m here to set the record straight: IT WAS A PRANK! 😛 We knew he was going to pretend to drop our rings because he kept joking about it during rehearsal, but we also knew that he had our real rings attached to a carabiner on a string around his wrist. So we just thought he was going to do a little fake out to mess with the crowd. But of course he had to go above and beyond 😂👏. He pulled out a quicklink with some washers on it, and dropped that through the net. (Don’t worry! We didn’t litter. All gear was retrieved from the bottom of the cliff by rappelling into the canyon.) Even though I knew our real rings weren't even made of metal, it still sounded and looked so real that I got worried for a minute. I think everyone on the net and in the crowd briefly thought the worst haha. The rings we exchanged on the net can be seen in the pictures above. (Zoom in to see them better.) I made tiny soft shackles out of 7/64” amsteel for our rings, specifically to exchange on the net so we wouldn't have to worry about dropping them. Soft shackles are pieces of gear that we use in rigging our highlines, but they are normally a lot bigger. I thought it would be fun to repurpose them and make rings, boutonnières, and bouquets out of them since the button knot kind of simultaneously looks like a diamond and a flower. I also loved that it was a very literal "tying of the knot". 📸: @thehearnes

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💃 📸:@thehearnes // Dress @galialahav @kinsleyjamescouturebridal

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#squadgoals 📸:@thehearnes

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The sky is NOT the limit with you by my side! 😉💓 On November 20, 2017, @slackinhigh and I exchanged "Hell Yeah's!" in a wedding in the sky! 400 feet in the air on a spacenet in Moab, Utah. We had aerial artists performing on silks and lyra underneath us, BASE jumping flower girls that wore tutus and packed their chutes with real petals, and a giant desert rave for the reception. My dad even got to walk me down the "aisle", which was a first of its kind! Normally, people get onto the net by slacklining on a 1 inch piece of webbing out to the middle, but we specifically engineered the aisle so that those dearest to us (who arent slackliners) could easily join us on our special day. Thank you everyone who got involved, lent a helping hand in setting up the net and the rave tent, and even risked their lives for us! We couldnt have done it without you, and we couldnt have asked for a more magical day. And as a slacklifer, I gotta say, its pretty surreal to have your wedding video made by THE @scottyrog @wingatemotion 🙌 Gown: Lily Rose by @galialahav from @kinsleyjamescouturebridal // Spacenet designed and rigged by @sketchyandylewis. Aisle brought into reality with the help of Andy and @slacklifebc // Wedding Officiant @blackrockseco // Aerialists @lizasouras @cdignes @theletabug // BASE Jumpers @mrcorbing @davidlaffargue @cincybase @jimmypeterson27 @theinfamousskypig @scottyybob @stickynicky420 @taz @andikissthesky // Photographers @thehearnes // Hair Styling @katevictoria_hair // Bouquet @thefauxbouquets // Tuxes @generationtux //

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